Internationally renowned Swingletree Photography are a predominantly a carriage / harness horse photographer although we cover other equestrian disciplines and sport 

We supply to Press, PR and Media. you will find certain galleries marked Press & Media only,  please contact us with your requirements.  We have covered many major carriage driving events throughout the UK and Europe.

Swingletree Photography is owned and run by Cathy Willis.  A life long equestrian who has competed at County Shows and at National Driving Trials. in the UK.

Cathy is a member of the International Alliance of Equestrian Journalists, and holds an  International Federation of Journalists Press Pass.  A professional member of the Equestrian Photographers Network, and is a  member of The Society of International Sport & Leisure Photography, The Society of International Media & Press Photographers, The Guild of Photographers,  Cathy has won numerous Bronze awards  with The Guild of Photographers,

Swingletree Photography is based in Spain, and regularly travels throughout the UK, Europe to cover major equestrian events and distance is no object.  Swingletree Photography's photographs are regularly published in the UK,  Australia, Europe, Ireland, and USA.  

"Creating your cherished lasting memories"

We strongly believe in creating your long lasting cherished memories in print, its far too easy for digital media to be lost.

Cathy is available for private equine shoots at your own yard or at an event, to discuss how Swingletree Photography can assist you or to discuss your requirements please email 

Swingletree Photography's Press & Media Clients

Carriage Commentator,
Pferderevue, Austria, CAA Carriage Association of America
Driving Digest magazine - USA, EQ Life - Equestrian Life - Australia
FEI  Hippo Revue, Belgium,
Preferdsport Journal, Ifv.Austria,
Attelage infos,
Australian Carriage Driving Journal,
the News Weekly Now - Australia,
Shepparton News - Australia,
Your Horse magazine, Horse Deals - Australia,
Carriage Driving magazine, CAIT promoting Attelage de Tradition in the UK.
InHarness magazine Native Pony magazine,
Horse & Hound magazine, British Carriagedriving,

Swingletree Photography's Commercial Clients.

Baileys Horse Feeds, USEF United States Equestrian Federation
Fenix Carriages, Boyd Exell,
Bennington Carriages        South Wales Carriage Driving Centre
Devils Horsemen The Coaching Club
Cirencester Polo Club,

Swingletree Photography's images have been used on the following Facebook, Websites

Windsor Park Equestrian Club - Driving Section, Midlands Driving Trials Group,
British Carriage Dogs, White Horse Harness Club,
British Carriagedriving HSI Carriage Driving Section
Missdee Wrigley Miller Allison Fry Stroud
British Equestrian Federation The Fell Society
The Dales Society - Education Boards

Swingletree Photography's Contact Details

Email or  call Cathy on +44 7580 162125 or  Whatsapp +34 683 196 845

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